Vienna Contemporary:
Dan Vogt
2. - 5. September

The booth was part of Zone 1 which was curated by Franziska Sophie Wildförster.

Salzburger Nachrichten

Dan Vogt

Dan Vogt

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, Nearer and Nearer (Schiller-Goethe), 2021, Ballpoint pen on book, hardware, binder, 61cm x 32cm x 7,5cm, (detail)

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, Landlording 1, 2021, Plastic miniatures, stovetop, cardboard, wood, 201cm x 85cm x 56cm, (detail)

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, Cahoots (Shakespeare-Goethe), 2021, Ballpoint pen on book, hardware, binder, 61cm x 31cm x 5cm

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, Fidelio Rainbow (Schnitzler), 2021, Ballpoint pen on book, hardware, binder, 31cm x 26cm x 4,5cm

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, An Honest Warning (Mozart-Schiller), 2021, Ballpoint pen on book, hardware, binder, 32cm x 28cm x 5cm

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, Mikhail Tal Makes a Call (Kafka), 2021, Ballpoint pen on book, hardware, binder, 46cm x 22,5cm x 7,5cm

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, The Military Genius (Goethe), 2021, Ballpoint pen on book, hardware, binder, 32cm x 29cm x 7,5cm

Dan Vogt
Dan Vogt, Nearer and Nearer (Schiller-Goethe), 2021, Ballpoint pen on book, hardware, binder, 61cm x 32cm x 7,5cm