9. February - 15. March
Press release by Simon Shim-Sutcliffe (pdf)
Art Viewer
Contemporary Art Library

Connor Crawford, That Melodramatic Teen Who Always Stands Up for What’s Right, 2024, Latex paint, acrylic paint, joint compound, XPS foam, wood, artist’s frame, 202,5cm x 72cm

Connor Crawford, That Sodding Punk Who Thinks Society is a Joke, and also, That Quirky Entrepreneur with a Heart of Gold (Landscape), 2024, Latex paint, acrylic paint, joint compound, XPS foam, wood, artist’s frame, 144cm x 202,5cm

Connor Crawford, That Sarcastic Gen-X Dad Who Crushes it Both at Work and at Home, 2024, Latex paint, acrylic paint, joint compound, XPS foam, wood, artist’s frame, 202,5cm x 72cm

Connor Crawford, That 30-Something Officer with a Penchant for Acting Silly (Landscape), 2024, Latex paint, acrylic paint, joint compound, XPS foam, wood, artist’s frame, 72cm x 202,5cm

Connor Crawford, Hardboiled Crime Hater, 2024, Mannequin, micro-controller, speaker, LED, motor, electronics, clothing, briefcase, wig, sunglasses, single channel audio (6 minutes, 33 seconds), 180cm x 70cm x 58cm