3. June - 30. July
Press release (pdf)
The exhibition is a cooperation with Suzie Shride.

Nur du und ich…
„Why, who me, why?
Feet don't fail me now
Take me to your finish line
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take
But I'm hoping that the gates, they'll tell me that you're mine
Walking through the city streets
Is it by mistake or design?
I feel so alone on a Friday night
Can you make it feel like home if I tell you you're mine?
It's like I told you, honey
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough, I don't know why
Keep making me laugh
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on“¹
„this is what is meant by “failure is the mother of success” and “a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit”.“²
¹ Lana Del Rey, “Born To Die” (2012), Born To Die, Polydor Records
² Mao Zedong, “On Practice” (1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, pp. 296-97

l: Hannah Hansel, lightfast 1, 2022, Nailpolish, post it on paper, 30cm x 24cm; r: Hannah Hansel, lightfast 2, 2022, Nailpolish, post it, gouache on paper, 24cm x 18cm

House of Haha, Happening (Closet), 2021, Oil on linen, applied by dealer, 100cm x 80cm

Schirin Charlot Djafar-Zadeh, for protection 2.3, 2021, Aspersorium, aluminium foil, chains, pendants, 23cm x 12cm

Lukas Panek, Pullover, 2022, Inkjet on canvas, acrylic, 120cm x 180cm

Sophie Serber, Page 88ii, 2017, Dyed yarn, 152cm x 127cm

Dan Vogt, Intimate Figures II, 2022, Wood, plastic, insulation wool, 105cm x 77cm x 7cm

l: House of Haha, Tick Tock, 2021, Wrapping for Happening, 50cm x 40cm; r: House of Haha, No Time, 2021, Wrapping for Happening, 50cm x 40cm

Julius Pristauz, Private Dancer, 2022, Digital video, 5:59min, (still)

Lucia Stamati, untitled, 2021, Pastel colors on paper, 42cm x 29,7cm