Now we are cooking with gas, baby!
Zoe Barcza, Connor Crawford, Bonny Poon, Andy Schumacher, Ben Schumacher, Simon Shim-Sutcliffe, Dan Vogt
29. November - 1. February

Press release (pdf)

Contemporary Art Library

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Connor Crawford, Flughafenhut, 2024, Hat, power cable, RGB led strip, MP3 player, speaker, electronics, mp3 playlist (9 files, runtime 28min 20sec), Dimensions variable

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Connor Crawford, Flughafenhut, 2024, Hat, power cable, RGB led strip, MP3 player, speaker, electronics, mp3 playlist (9 files, runtime 28min 20sec), Dimensions variable

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Ben Schumacher, American cokehead, 2024, Various materials on canvas, 200cm x 160cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Andy Schumacher, Fella cult, 2024, Oil on canvas , 150cm x 150cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Simon Shim-Sutcliffe, In the castle of my mind, 2024, Stainless steel, 32cm x 15cm x 11cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Simon Shim-Sutcliffe, In the castle of my mind, 2024, Stainless steel, 32cm x 15cm x 11cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Zoe Barcza, Zoe’s Priorities D, 2024, Acrylic on canvas, 51cm x 41cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Zoe Barcza, Zoe’s Priorities B, 2024, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 51cm x 41cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Zoe Barcza, Zoe’s Priorities C, 2024, Acrylic, oil and enamel on canvas, 51cm x 41cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Zoe Barcza, Zoe’s Priorities A, 2024, Acrylic, oil and enamel on canvas, 51cm x 41cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Dan Vogt, limerence, 2024, Pen on paper, artist frame, 40cm x 30cm

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Bonny Poon, Diary of... Paul Makowsky, 2024

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Bonny Poon, Diary of... Paul Makowsky, 2024

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Bonny Poon, Diary of... Paul Makowsky, 2024

Now we are cooking with gas, baby! at Shore Gallery
Bonny Poon, Diary of... Paul Makowsky, 2024